The communications regulator in the United States of America (FCC) has announced a new Internet neutral vote for the month of December to repeal legislation passed in 2015 during the Obama administration.
But what is internet neutrality?
Internet neutrality follows a basic principle according to which users Internet traffic cannot be broken down according to their origin or type. In practice, this proposal advocated by the new director of the FCC (Ajit Pai), will give Internet Services Providers (also known as ISPs) the freedom to slow down or even block or even privilege access to certain places on the Internet to the detriment of others, forcing the consumer to acquire different package plans for different access to content or services on the Internet.
Portugal has even been mentioned as a bad example where certain barriers are created with internet package plans that privilege only access to certain mobile applications, preventing equal access to other applications to grow or have the same opportunity to be used by consumers.